Legal information
Please note that SEB Fund Services S.A. was through merger incorporated into FundRock Management Company S.A. on November 15, 2018. Documents are available in Swedish.
- Disclousure of information according to regulation EU 2019/2033(in Swedish) Offentliggörande av information enligt förordning EU 2019/2033
- Information to investors on remuneration (in Swedish) / Information om ersättningar
- Remuneration guideline
- Authorisation of the Financial Supervisiory Authority (in Swedish) / FIs tillstånd
- Guideline for the selection of brokers and research counterparties as well as best order execution (in Swedish) / Riktlinje för val av mäklare och analysmotparter samt bästa orderutförand
- Information regarding the processing of personal data
- Annual report Rhenman Healthcare Equity L/S
- Annual report Rhenman & Partners Asset Management AB (in Swedish) / Årsredovisning Rhenman & Partners Asset Management AB
- Organisational chart
- Regarding the role of Rhenman & Partners Asset Management AB
- Diversity guideline (in Swedish) / Mångfaldsriktlinje för Rhenman & Partners Asset Management AB
- Risk management guideline (in Swedish)
- Guideline regarding internal governance and control (in Swedish)
- Position regarding shareholder engagement
- Market soundings
- Responsible investing guideline
- German annual tax reporting – calendar year 2023 (> EN) | (> DE)
- Financial Services Act (FinSA) Information Notice
Please note that Rhenman & Partners is solely the portfolio manager of the funds. Rhenman & Partners is not authorized to provide – and will not provide – investment recommendations to investors. Investors and potential investors considering investing in the funds should discuss the matter with a professional investment advisor.